The challenges contained in Project Euler are mostly math oriented. Usually using a brute force algorithm will take a long time, while carefully exploiting the math proprieties of the problem will yield really performant algorithms.
The solutions are written with Python3 using Jupyter. You can find the code on GitHub.
- 67 - Maximum path sum II — solution
- 26 - Reciprocal cycles — solution
- 25 - 1000-digit Fibonacci number — solution
- 24 - Lexicographic permutations — solution
- 23 - Non-abundant sums — solution
- 22 - Names scores — solution
- 21 - Amicable numbers — solution
- 20 - Factorial digit sum — solution
- 19 - Counting Sundays — solution
- 18 - Maximum path sum I — solution
- 17 - Number letter counts — solution
- 16 - Power digit sum — solution
- 15 - Lattice paths — solution
- 14 - Longest Collatz sequence — solution
- 13 - Large sum — solution
- 12 - Highly divisible triangular number — solution
- 11 - Largest product in a grid — solution
- 10 - Summation of primes — solution
- 9 - Special Pythagorean triplet — solution
- 8 - Largest product in a series — solution
- 7 - 10001st prime — solution
- 6 - Sum square difference — solution
- 5 - Smallest multiple — solution
- 4 - Largest palindrome product — solution
- 3 - Largest prime factor — solution
- 2 - Even Fibonacci Numbers — solution
- 1 - Multiplies of 3 and 5 — solution